This is the official site of the White Boot Explorer’s Club. Complete all the training levels to become a full member of the Society of White Boot Explorers. White Boot Explorers are people who are interested in exploring and investigating coastal Louisiana and marine science through a scientific lens. The training is about learning interesting things about Louisiana’s coast and building scientific skills. And it is completely free!
Once you are a member of the White Boot Explorers you’ll gain access to additional content and members-only activities, and be eligible for in-person experiences and workshops. All at no extra charge. You must complete each level to unlock the next one. No payment is needed to complete any part of the training. However, you do have to create an account to enroll in the training. Be sure to get your parent’s permission before registering.
The training levels are designed for learners in grades 5 through 8, but anyone in grades 3-12 is welcome. It doesn’t matter what your academic experience or level is or where you live, there is something new for you to learn and explore about each topic we cover.

Level 1: The Basics
Learn the basics about Louisiana’s coastal landscape. This level covers estuaries, watersheds, hydrology, and the delta lobe cycle, among other things.

Level 2: Louisiana Coastal Habitats
You’ll learn about the living and nonliving things in four different kinds of habitats found on the Louisiana Coast.